

Acupuncture, rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, is a proven method for relieving pain and improving overall body function. It works by eliminating inflammatory substances and restoring the acid-base balance in neuromuscular cells.

Acupuncture offers:

Almost immediate pain reliefReduction of localized peripheral swellingThe British National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends acupuncture for a variety of conditions, which include:Chronic back and joint painMuscle spasmsPregnancy-related sicknessTension headachesSleep disturbances

If you’re struggling with any of these symptoms, visit Kensington Pain Clinic. We’re here to help—or your money back.


How does it work?

It mostly has an impact on the nervous system, neurotransmitter release, blood flow and the modulation of the immune system.When your joint is visibly swollen (in Chinese: “Hot Bi /Damp Bi syndromes), secondary to an inflammation or excessive fluid accumulation in your joint, acupuncture needles will change PH of the joint’s environment,  plus stop releasing inflammation-causing substances like IG1. IG6, substance P, potassium, resulting in a significant reduction of redness, swelling, and pain.

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